Friday 16 December 2011

28 Jun 11: Dunhuang, China

Early wake up to speed up with a group of other travelers –French, Swiss, English and German to visit the Yadan National Park, the Hechang Cheng old city and some Great Wall remnants. I am again disappointed by what I have seen. The Yadan Park is unique and has a natural geological landscape similar to Cappadocia where Zhang Yimou shot the movie Hero with Gong Li. The old city and the Great Wall ruins were just there with a few Chinese words of explanation. Nothing more. The whole day was watching a Chinese film in original version and no subtitles. No guide and even Lonely Planet is almost silent on what we saw.

We strolled in the city after dinner and ended up in a huge celebration in the main square for the 90th anniversary of the communist party. Songs, poems and speeches. The spectators well disciplined like good pupils, all seated in open air tables where they are served food and beer.

Every night this evening walk has become our habit and it is amazing how lively every city is every single evening of the week. People go out, dine, drink and laugh. The night market offer numerous food stalls with all kinds of food, dumplings, noodles, kebabs and beer. Some pedestrian streets are full with craftsmen showing and selling their wares, painting or doing calligraphy. Are they happy? They do look happy.


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